Escape – Giclee Print Art Poster


Escape by Sung Kim. Giclee print available in both high quality canvas and paper. If you see this image being sold elsewhere, it is copyright infringement.


We’re proud to offer stunning giclee prints of Sung Kim’s beautiful oil paintings.

What is a giclee print? Giclee is a French term meaning to spray. Giclee prints are high quality print reproductions made using sophisticated ink jet printers. These printers create a very fine spray of different size droplets of ink, resulting in extremely high resolution art.

We print using 10 different colors of archival pigment based inks that capture the full spectrum of color vibrance and resist fading.

We sell prints on both canvas and paper, and ship in tubes.

For canvas giclee prints, we use Lyve museum quality matte canvas that is certified for 100 years. It is rolled canvas, and not stretched onto a wooden stretcher bars. For paper print posters, we use bright heavyweight matte paper.

We sell prints at 12″x17″, and 17″x25″. Both sizes have ready made frames commonly available at stores like Amazon. These sizes describe the size of the canvas and paper. The actual image size is slightly smaller, as there is a small unprinted border around the image. If you want a print in a different size, please contact us for a custom order.

*Exact cropping of final print may be slightly different, depending on print size ordered and aspect ratios.

Additional information

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 18 × 2 × 2 in

Canvas, Paper


12" x 17", 17" x 25"


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